I love the holidays! I love the time with friends and family, and the coziness of the good food and drink. Plus the overall happy spirit of the season.
Why not bring some of this spirit into your workspace? It will not only be fun but will also help give you a mental break and aid your mental ability to focus during this season.
Host an office potluck, good food is guaranteed to bring everyone together.
Decorate your cubicle/desk/office and have a contest.
Host a hot chocolate bar with different toppings.
Host a bake-off among all the employees.
Incorporate a charitable cause and donate gifts from your organization, such as Toys for Tots or Trees for Troops.
Shoot a holiday video with employees to share with your customers - Don’t have a camera lying around? Use your smartphone!
Have employees bring in their favorite cookies and have a cookie tasting.
Host an ugly holiday sweater day at the office.
For smaller offices: get everyone a stocking to fill with gifts.
Put marshmallows into a large jar and have all of the employees guess how many are in the jar- the employee closest to the exact number will win a prize.
Whatever you decide to do I hope the holidays are a lot of fun for all!
Until Next Time,
